Currently, the department has three Doctors of Science in engineering, nine specialists with Ph Degree of engineering and geologo-mineralogical sciences. The staff of the department is actively solving urgent problems of geotechnical construction in St Petersburg and other regions of our country. Highly qualified geotechnical specialists of the department participated in the construction of the largest and unique structures both in the Northern capital and in other cities of Russia, in the construction of industrial complexes, in the development of the regions of the Far North, Eastern and Western Siberia, and the Far East.
Leading scientists of the department, who are world famous, made a significant contribution to the development of domestic foundation engineering, soil mechanics, trained thousands of qualified civil engineers. For more than 80 years of existence of the department, more than 180 candidates of technical sciences and 15 doctors of technical sciences have been trained. At different times, seven honored workers of science and technology of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation worked at the department.
The scientific school of the department "Designs and technologies for the installation of foundations and underground structures" is headed by Corresponding Member of the RAASN, Honored Worker of Higher Education, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rashid Abdullovich Mangushev. Under his scientific guidance, the department operates the Center for Geotechnology and the Center for Soil Testing, which allows for a lot of practical, research and scientific and consulting work with the participation of graduate students, undergraduates and students who specialize in our department. The department performs a large amount of contractual work in the areas of geotechnical research, design development, scientific and technical expertise of building foundations, as well as various consulting and calculation work for construction organizations in St. Petersburg and the Russian Federation.
Scientific achievements of the staff of the department are reflected in numerous monographs, textbooks, study guides and articles. The researches of the department are widely known both in our country and abroad. The participation of the staff of the department in international conferences, in scientific and teaching work at leading universities in the near and far abroad: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Finland, Sweden, South Korea, the USA, Japan and other countries allows sharing scientific results and exchanging achievements with colleagues from other countries. The teachers of the department give lectures and conduct classes at the SPbGASU Institute of continuing education and professional retraining for executives of the construction industry and specialists undergoing retraining.
Department of Geotechnics
Offices: 201-E, 204-E, 206-E - classrooms, 202-E - head of the department, 203-E - head of the laboratory, 205 -E - laboratory assistants, 207-E - teachers, 5/7, Egorova Str., St Petersburg
4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaya Str., St Petersburg, 190005
Dear colleagues and friends! Welcome to the webpage of the Department of Geotechnics!
In 1928, a soil testing laboratory was organized at our university, which in 1933 was transformed into the Department of bases and foundations. The Department of Geotechnics received its modern name in 1992. The taught disciplines, united by the term "Geotechnics", include engineering geology, road soil science, mineralogy and petrography, hydrogeology, soil mechanics, the course "Bases and foundations", courses on underground construction, special courses for graduates - diploma students of the department. The Department of Geotechnics is a graduating department. Graduates of the department successfully work at the construction sites of the city, country, implement the knowledge gained in practical activities.
On behalf of the teaching staff, I invite everyone who wants to try their hand at practical geotechnics to study at our department. We wish students an interesting, exciting, educational process of studying the engineering-geological and geotechnical basics of foundations study and development of underground space. Just as any construction begins with a solid foundation, so your personal success is formed on the basis of solid knowledge and acquired practical skills of a civil engineer. To our fellow builders we wish new interesting projects in which our employees and teachers are always ready to provide scientific and technical support for complex and unique geotechnical works.
Teaching staff
Osokin Anatoly I.
Head of department. Associate professor
Ananyev Andrey A.
Associate professor
Bashmakov Ivan B.
Boyarintsev Andrey V.
Senior lecturer
Cheremkhina Anastasiya P.
Associate professor
Dyakonov Ivan P.
Associate professor
Kalach Philipp N.
Leading engineer. Assistant
Kondratyeva Lidya N.
Konyushkov Vladimir V.
Associate professor
Kuznetsov Aleksandr V.
Associate professor
Kvashuk Alina V.
Senior lecturer. Research officer
Lanko Sergey V.
Associate professor
Mangushev Rashid A.
Director, Geotechnology Science and Production Consulting Center . Professor
Paramonov Maxim V.
Associate professor
Polunin Vyacheslav M.
Remizova Nadezhda V.
Senior lecturer
Zavodchikova Maria B.
Associate professor
Fields of study
Specialist degree